urban bottle hot red 500ml
24 bottles -
waterfles 500ml
Between rocky peaks and glens shrouded in mist, there’s an evergreen plant capable of injecting vivid life even to the most freezing winter landscape: Erica.
The particular uneven, opaque Stone Finish is extremely resistant and grippable, adding consistency and an incredibly accurate stone-like texture.
Urban Bottle is the most lightweight stainless steel water bottle you will ever handle, for your fast sips and refills on the go!
- Stone Finish
- 18/8 food grade stainless steel
- 100% BPA free, phthalates free, toxins free
- Does not retain nor impart any flavour
- One twist to open, leak proof lid
- Wide mouth for ice filling and easy cleaning
- Single wall (see Thermal Cover)
- Airport security friendly
- Hand wash recommended